Holistic Coaching Essence

Mindfulness-practice-for-mental-wellness yoga holistic coaching ICF Marta Lutomska

As I work with my clients, I notice the tendency to lean heavenly into our minds. So often we are disconnected from ourselves and other parts that create our Being.

It’s been my story too, I’ve been deeply connected to my mind, letting it guide me fully. I would often make decisions that didn’t serve me, find myself in the (over)doing mode and simply surviving.

Until I invited other parts… I started connecting with my body and breath, then taking care of my emotional wellbeing, and eventually finding my subtle intuition voice again. It’s been a wonderful journey. I have received so much wisdom and insights that led to clarity. Knowing what my needs are and how to take care of myself holistically, on all levels. What it means to live a balanced life. 

This process allowed me to step into my power and start living from my true self. 

There’s a huge transformation that happens when we realise that there are other levels, other parts of ourselves that we abandoned and need our attention. 

When we tune in with them and open ourselves, we learn that they carry so much wisdom for us. Often, when we do it for the first time, we might receive conflicting messages and needs.

In this program, we look at your goals through the lens of 4 Holistic Levels: mind, body, heart, spirit. 

We learn to notice all the parts that create our being, receive wisdom from each one of them, get clear on our innermost needs, nurture ourselves and find inner-balance.

This program is my application of the Holistic Well-Being Routine created by the Holistic Coach Training Institute. It is a holistic approach to everyday living that supports you in creating love, safety and belonging within yourself by taking intentional action on the four levels of well-being: mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.


Resolving any issues in your consciousness

  • Having an awareness of your thoughts

  • Reframing thoughts that don’t serve you and cultivating a new, loving narrative

  • Improving your self-talk


Embodying a healthy and grounded routine

  • Connecting with your body and breath

  • Creating a self-care routine

  • Noticing how choices affect your body, including your body in any decisions you make


Accessing and acknowledging your emotions 

  • Having an awareness of your emotions

  • Sharing and expressing your emotions in healthy ways

  • Connecting with your heart’s desire


Connecting with a deeper sense of meaning 

  • Connecting with your intuition

  • Acknowledging personal beliefs and values

  • Making time to practices that help you experience a deeper sense of purpose

This 1:1 program consists of 6 sessions (75 min each):

  • an initial Deep Dive Session to get clear on your goals

  • 4 x sessions on each level

  • Wrap-Up Session to celebrate the progress and integrate the learnings.

    We can structure it in the way that works best for you.

Included: Holistic Wellbeing Workbook

You will be leaving this program with:


A deep understanding of the essence of who you are, so you feel confident and empowered in making decisions and move towards your goals.


 Your goals and decisions will be aligned with your whole person.

balance & self-care

Knowing what it means to you to live a balanced life and how you can take care of yourself fully, nurture different parts and create inner-balance.


You will know what is it that you truly want which will help you get unstuck and take intentional action.

The best way out is always through.”

Robert Frost

Let’s take the first step in this journey

I offer a free 30-minute no-obligation consultation with all my potential clients. This ensures that we both feel comfortable and confident that moving forward together is the right choice.  

If you would like to book your free clarity call, message me or book an appointment directly here: 


8 Pillars of Wellbeing