Tired of Rushing, Feeling Stuck & Lost? Discover Holistic Coaching

for a Fulfilling Life

What is coaching…

Coaching is a solution-oriented method to facilitate personal growth.

It’s a co-creative process.

A partnership.

A mirror where you can see yourself clearly. 

As a coach, I believe you are your own expert and you hold all the answers within. Instead of giving you advice, my role is to guide you to your wisdom by having a transformative conversation and asking thought - provoking questions.

Marta Lutomska ICF Holistic Life Coaching, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, Ocean

Holistic Coaching & my coaching philosophy…

Sometimes people come to me to change a job or location and guess what? Somewhere along the process, they realise it is not what they were missing. 

Let’s be human. We all want to CHANGE something.

Be somewhere else, transform our outer landscapes. 

We go outside-in. We believe that if we shift those external things, achieve the next accomplishment, do more - life will be better.

Often these are short-term solutions. 

We might make random decisions and rush around life to the next thing. Only to end up feeling lost, directionless, depleted, and unfulfilled. All because there is little self-awareness of who we truly are, the concept that we have for ourselves, our lives. We simply don’t know ourselves enough. So we look outside, we go in circles, we feel lost and confused…

I'm here to break the cycle.

I support my clients to slow down and go inward. And from a place of deep self-awareness and connection, move towards the desired change and create an authentic living that is aligned with who you are and what is truly important to you.

I believe that to make any changes in our external world, we must look inward first and change our inner landscape.

Marta Lutomska ICF Holistic Life Coaching, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, Ocean

My practice is rooted in yoga philosophy and I combine my experience as a Yoga Guide and Meditation Teacher with Coaching. Every session begins with a grounding mindfulness exercise and setting a clear goal (intention).

I offer a unique blend of various tools and techniques to dive deeper into your inner world. So that you see the lasting results outside.

This is how working with me will be different…

As a Holistic Coach, I consider the whole person and include not only the external (the goal, the vision, next steps, the roadmap etc.), but also the internal (who you are as a person, what are your values, strengths, life philosophy, inner talk, etc) to help you build a fulfilling and joyful life. 

We need to make sure that your mind, body, heart and spirit is on board first, rather than dragging these parts with us toward our next idea.

We want to feel nourished and well taken care on different pillars of holistic well-being so that you feel supported, energized and at ease as you implement your next steps, rather than ending up with burnout and exhaustion.

I find that the combination of the WHO & WHAT brings the most powerful results and is the key to make lasting, healthy changes in alignment with who you are.

What’s different in my approach, is that it’s going to be an inner experience while working on the outside changes.

We shift the inner landscape.

It’s about a real change, from the inside- out. 

Benefits of Holistic Coaching

  • Learn to slow down, become more present, and start to enjoy your life.

  • Get unstuck by discovering what truly matters to you and create a clear, intentional path forward.

  • Build healthy routines and boundaries to stop feeling depleted and start thriving.

  • Overcome fear-based narratives and patterns holding you back, so you can step into

  • Learn tools to manage stress and challenging emotions to experience more ease and balance work, family, and responsibilities without burnout.  

  • Build a fulfilling and joyful life aligned with your values and heart’s desire.

  • Stop procrastinating and move from (over)thinking to doing by setting small intentional steps and staying accountable.

10 Guiding Principles of Holistic Coaching

- Adapted from the Holistic Coach Training Institute -

1. Transformation happens on the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels, taking the whole person into consideration. 

2. Holistic Coaching believes that everything rests in a web of interconnectedness.

3. Holistic Coaching focuses on supporting people in moving from coping to healing to thriving.

4. Healing happens in a loving and supportive environment, not through judgment, shame or guilt.

5. Holistic Coaching is about making changes from the inside out.

6. The overall goal of holistic coaching is to create well-being and fulfilment in all areas of life that are important to you.

7. Holistic Coaching offers the opportunity for you to create love, safety and belonging for yourself.

8. Transformation is a process, not an event.

9. Holistic Coaching helps increase awareness of mind, body and spirit.

10. Holistic Coaching is about finding the tools and techniques you can enjoy and embody consistently.

Curious to try it?

I offer a free 30-minute no-obligation consultation with all my potential clients. This ensures that we both feel comfortable and confident that moving forward together is the right choice.  

If you would like to book your free clarity call, message me or book an appointment directly here: 

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.”

Eckhart Tolle