Hi, I’m Marta

Marta Lutomska ICF Holistic Life Coaching, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, Ocean

My journey began in a legal career, where I was constantly busy, rushing through life, ticking off one task after another, and always moving on to the next thing, next goal, next achievement. It left me feeling unfulfilled, disconnected, and like I was living on autopilot.

I thought I was making all the right moves but ended up feeling lost, stuck, and directionless.

I realized that the path I was on wasn’t aligned with my true self, and was mainly directed from the mind level, the rationality, what I thought I ‘should’ do… Leaving me disconnected from other parts, especially my body, physical and emotional, and my intuition. I took a deep inward journey back home to rediscover who I was and what I truly wanted.

This realization led me to explore the deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit, and a holistic path of personal growth.  Through yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, I discovered the power of slowing down, tuning in, and living in true balance and alignment.

I reconnected with the abandoned parts of myself. I felt whole again.

These practices transformed my life, and now I’m passionate about sharing them with other women who are ready for a meaningful shift. 

As an ICF Holistic Coach, I blend ancient yoga and mindfulness wisdom with modern structured coaching techniques. I believe that transformation has to start inside and to make any changes in our outer world, we have to dive inside first and make sure we are in alignment with what we want to create. 

I know now that the key to transformation lies within us and we can assess our wisdom by deeply listening to ourselves on all levels: mind, body, heart, and intuition. 

My approach is focused on guiding women to slow down, calm the mind, and reconnect with what truly matters so that they can create a life that feels aligned, joyful, and deeply fulfilling.

I work as a Holistic Life Coach,  Yin Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher offering 1:1 sessions, group classes, workshops, and hosting retreats worldwide. 

I chose this path because I know firsthand how it feels to be lost and unfulfilled despite doing everything “right.” My mission is to empower women to move from stress and confusion to a place of clarity, presence, and authentic living, so they can thrive and enjoy their lives fully.

Holistic Life Coach (ICF), mindfulness, and yoga teacher, dedicated to supporting women who are ready to stop living on autopilot and thrive beyond the demands of daily life. I’m here to help you step into your authentic self, re-align your life, and move forward with clarity and direction so you create a fulfilling living you truly enjoy.


- ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

- Advanced Holistic Coach Certification Level 2, PCC, Holistic Coach Training Institute, USA

- Sound Healing Teacher Training, Lotos Yoga, Germany

- Expressions of YIN: The Holistic Approach, Rewiring, Yin Yoga & Somatics Teacher Training by Carlos Romero, Bali

- Holistic Coach Certification Level 1, ACC, Holistic Coach Training Institute, USA

- Multi-style Yoga Teacher Training, Orion Healing Centre, Thailand

- Restorative Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training, PachaMama, Costa Rica

- Visualisation Training - The Power of Your Mind

- Master of Laws (LL.M), Germany