From Overwhelm to Clarity

- A Holistic Approach to Change

Overcoming-indecision-and-fear-of-failure, Women Empowerment Coaching, Decisions, Transition, Holistic Approach to Change, Career Change

It’s a holistic journey from the inside out - we dive deep within first to find answers and direction by reconnecting to your wisdom and intuition.  

And from that aligned state of inner balance, I will help you approach the changes in the external world and create a purposeful life.

Are you feeling stuck, wanting to change something in your life but lacking clarity, fearing the unknown, and/or struggling to make decisions?

Do you want to make some changes in your personal or professional life and create a purposeful, balanced lifestyle aligned with your true potential, values and who you are?

Yet you don’t know where to start?

I get it.

So often we feel stuck and unclear on what we want and yet want to move forward. There might be a big decision to make but we feel blocked and not knowing what to do and what is the next step. There is something stopping us. It could be our thoughts and beliefs, could be that we simply don’t know ourselves enough. Sometimes we just want to change our external world to feel differently inside…

Based on my personal and professional experience, I intentionally designed this program to act as a guide, provide valuable insights and support you fully in clarifying your action steps ahead and navigating transitions in life.

It is time for a change.

Time to improve your life,

time to be the creator of your experience.

By the end of the program, you will understand yourself on a deeper level and get crystal clear on what you (actually) want, what are your needs and desires and where you’re headed. Together we will co-create a roadmap and the next steps towards the desired change so that you feel fully supported.

You will feel confident facing big decisions and start navigating life changes intentionally. You will see the changes as possibilities and feel more balanced and peaceful in your daily life.

In addition to my coaching education, my journey of undergoing numerous life transformations equips me with firsthand experience to effectively guide others through similar life transitions.

I've been living abroad since I was 19, experiencing many relocations, personal transitions, and professional changes. After practising law for many years, I've realized that I needed to engage in a more fulfilling career. I have completed multiple yoga, meditation, and mindfulness training programs, enrolled in two coaching studies, earned an international accreditation (ICF), and finished numerous psychology and self-development courses and completely changed direction in my personal and professional life to create a life that I love and feel proud of.

Now my mission is to support and inspire women navigating life transitions with ease and balance so that they can live a fulfilled, authentic, and deeply purposeful life to their full potential.

Who is this program for?

  1. For women who want to change something in their professional or personal life or who have already found themselves in the midst of transitions - a career change, lifestyle shift, a breakup, relocation etc. and need support navigating these changes.

  2. Anyone feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unclear about their next steps, a bigger vision and the direction they want to take.

  3. For anyone wanting to start living in harmony and creating a purposeful, balanced lifestyle that is aligned with their true potential and values.

    What are the results?

  1. Clarity about your next steps and direction in your professional or personal life.

  2. Understanding yourself on a deeper level, learning to navigate your emotions, greater emotional stability, self-trust and confidence.

  3. Start taking action and approach the changes towards a more purposeful and fulfilling life with peace and balance.

How do we do it?

This 1:1 program is a 5-month partnership.

It consists of 5 modules.

Each module = 3 x Holistic Coaching sessions (75 min each).

We meet online every week for 3 weeks, the 4th week is for integration.

= 15 sessions in total to be completed in 5 months (extensions possible and are up to individual agreements).

You will also receive:

  • Access to me via WhatsApp and/or Email

  • A Holistic Approach to Change Workbook to work on between sessions: 100 pages of reflections, mindfulness exercises and coaching tools to help you get clear, prepared and intentional with your action steps ahead

  • And a 🎁 Bonus 16th follow-up session free of charge 🎁 (see above)

    I only work with 3-5 clients at a time so I can be truly present with the work I do. So you have my full commitment. I will also be available to you between the sessions, providing personalized resources and keeping you accountable.

You will be leaving this program with:

Here is the structure:

1st Module: baseline to change

1. a breakthrough session

  • In-depth session to map out our time with clarity, intention and direction

  • Clarify your intentions and motivation to change, current goals and struggles 

  • Checking your readiness for change based on the 5 stages of change

2. current reality

  • Uncover what is stopping you, what is the story you’re telling yourself

  • Identify current mindset, self-narrative and any other barriers that get in the way

3. identifying your strengths & values

  • Explore your superpowers and values to use them as your compass

  • Learn how to pull from them when navigating the change

2nd Module: inner-alignment

1. deep inner alignment on 4 levels

  • Get in touch with your inner self and work on 4 levels: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual to inwardly align with your outer goals: what you need to be feeling, thinking, and experiencing to create a meaningful change

  • Explore your heart’s desire 

  • Learn to listen to your body’s wisdom and intuition

2. creating balance in all areas of well-being

  • We will look at different life areas: social, occupational, financial and environmental (and anything else that is of value to you). Learning to include all the pillars of well-being to create our overall satisfaction in life. 

3. creating a self-care practice

  • Design and plan a self-care routine that supports you on all levels in staying aligned, grounded and at balance when navigating external changes & challenges

3rd Module: expand your toolbox

1. cultivating supportive inner talk

  • Learning the CBT model and how your thoughts affect your emotions and current behaviours

2. navigating & understanding emotions

  • Example topics we might cover: healing perfectionism, impostor syndrome, fear of failure

3. embracing uncertainty and learning to surrender to the process

  • Accepting & reframing uncertainty

  • Befriending the unknown as a place full of possibilities

  • Learning to nourish yourself and surrender in the midst of not knowing

4th Module: preparation

1. pause & reflect

  • We will check on progress and realign if needed

  • Integrating the learnings

  • You can also bring any other topics that are present for you and need to be addressed

2. trouble-shouting

  • Brainstorming ahead of time about what barriers might come up for you

  • Addressing what stands between you and feeling confident about your change, if anything

  • Incorporating your inner & outer support system

3. dream it  - a guided visualisation session

  • I’ll guide you through visualisation so you get in touch with your vision, through your senses and subconscious mind

  • Crystalising your goals and what a meaningful change looks and feels like to you

5th Module: moving forward

1.  drafting the way forward 

  • We will set clear direction and plan your next steps forward in a holistic way

  • Create a detailed outline of actions to be taken to implement the desired change

  • Learn how to celebrate yourself and your progress

2. implementation

  • Start creating the change and moving forward

  • I will be along with you on the journey through any ups and downs 

3. a wrap-up session

  • We will talk through the experience to see what learnings were experienced and can be celebrated

  • We will explore your next goals and what steps may be taken

a bonus follow-up session

We meet for another session after 1-3 months (whatever serves you best) to check the progress and keep you accountable. Optionally, we can continue working together in a more spacious container, eg. monthly or quarterly to keep the momentum.

Here are the next steps

I offer a free 30-minute no-obligation consultation with all my potential clients. This ensures that we both feel comfortable and confident that moving forward together is the right choice.  

If you are interested in this program, message me or book a short appointment with me here: 

“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.”

- Alan Cohen -


8 Pillars of Wellbeing


Single 90-min Session OR 6x Sessions Package