Monthly check-in


welcome back, thank you for being here.  

Today I’m writing you about living consciously by taking a monthly self-inventory.

Make a cup of coffee, grab your pen and journal, get cosy and let’s start. 


“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it Fate.”

- Carl Jung -

Do you feel sometimes that every day looks the same? Like weeks and months blend into one? I get it. It’s easy to let the days, months, years, our life pass - quickly and unnoticed. To feel like life just happens to us, and we don’t have any power and control over it.

Today, I am sharing a practice that might support you in breaking that cycle: a monthly reflection ritual. Bringing energy and attention to how you spend your time and reflect on important events, discoveries and learnings (internal and external) will help you live more consciously and aware.

Every last day of the month, I block my calendar for about one hour, grab my journal and a hot tea, put a candle on and look back.

I have noticed how this simple practice expands the time, brings me to the present and fills me with feelings of joy and gratitude. Checking in around any learnings, what has been working and what hasn’t and needs more attention also helps in setting clear goals and directing my energy in an intentional way.

Questions I ask myself this season:

  • What was the highlight of this month?

  •  What was my biggest learning?

  •  I am proud of…

  •  I am grateful for…

  • Which level was the strongest: mental, physical, emotional or spiritual?

  •   Which level needs more attention?

  •   I would like to make more time for…

  •   Next month I want to feel…

  •   I will do it by…

  •   My number one goal for the next month is…

  •   I can’t wait for…

  •   Next month I will

- start…

- stop…

- continue…

I prepared a simple worksheet to help you start, click the download button below to get your copy.

You can also do it at any other time (new moon, in the middle of a month, every Sunday etc.) but, as always, consistency is the key. It takes practice until it becomes natural and you start bringing the same awareness to each day and live your life fully. And most important - remember to keep it simple and enjoy the process.  :)

Thank you for reading.

Wishing you a conscious month ahead,

Marta x


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