Marta Lutomska Holistic Life Coaching, Yoga and Mindfulness

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What does your Heart desire?

Hello friends!

Today I’m writing from beautiful Madeira where I spent the last month connecting with nature, my loved ones and… my heart. So I decided to write about connecting with your heart’s desire as a way to create a life of joy, freedom and purpose.

Make a cup of coffee, grab your pen and journal, get cosy and let’s start. 


So often we take decisions from the mind level. Thinking, overthinking, rationalising. I see it A LOT in my coaching sessions and I find myself there more often than I would like to admit.

Yet. The Holistic Approach I take in my practice reminds me, and the people I serve, that there is more than that. That there are parts of ourselves that hold so much wisdom and can be used as an inner compass to lighten our direction and purpose in life -  if we decide to listen to them.

So often we feel lost and lacking direction and clarity simply because we are so disconnected from ourselves and our hearts and intuition.

Connecting with our heart's desire is essential for living a life that is authentic, purposeful, and fulfilling.  When we tap into our deepest desires and aspirations, we align ourselves with our true essence and inner wisdom, which guides us towards creating a life that is in harmony with our values and passions.

By understanding our heart's desires, we gain clarity on what truly matters to us, allowing us to set meaningful goals, make conscious choices, and navigate life's challenges with resilience, purpose and direction. This connection empowers us to live with intention, passion, and joy, leading to a sense of fulfillment and contentment in all aspects of our lives.


I get this question quite often. I get it.

It is a practice. We need to start small and consciously decide to take the time and energy to check in regularly before it becomes natural and you feel truly connected and let by your heart.

So here is a simple exercise for you.

Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can relax and focus inward. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and quiet your mind. Close your eyes and visualize yourself in a place where you feel deeply content and fulfilled. Allow yourself to feel the emotions and sensations that arise in this vision. Then, ask yourself:

What is it that my heart truly longs for?

What brings me the greatest joy and fulfilment?

What is yearning to be expressed through me?

Listen to your inner voice and intuition without judgment. Take note of any insights or feelings that surface during this practice. Reflect on these and consider how you can align your actions and choices with your heart's desires moving forward.

Schedule a time in your calendar, whether daily or weekly, it can be just a minute or two when you can just sit down with yourself and listen.


Here are some integration questions you use as journal prompts:

  • What brings you the greatest joy and fulfillment in life?

  • If time and money were no object, what would you be doing right now?

  • What are your core values, and how are they reflected in your daily actions?

  • Are there any recurring dreams or aspirations that you keep coming back to?

  • What activities or experiences make you feel most alive and connected?

  • When do you feel most in alignment with your true self?

  • What fears or limiting beliefs are holding you back from pursuing your desires?

  • How can you start taking small steps today towards manifesting your vision for the future?

Remember, by listening to your inner voice and aligning your actions with your deepest values and desires, you can create a life that is truly meaningful and fulfilling. You can live from a place of freedom, joy and purpose versus following what you think you are supposed to do.

Leaving today with one inspiring quote by Rumi:

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray."

Thank you for reading. I hope these questions and reflections inspire you to connect with your heart's desire and envision a future filled with purpose, passion, and joy.

With love and light,

Marta x