Meet your Higher Self

Hi lovely, 

This month I’m writing to you about a Future Self exercise. 

Make a cup of coffee, grab your pen and journal, get cosy and let’s start. 


As things come to completion, the end of the year offers a great opportunity to take a break and reflect. It is also a time when we think ahead about our future goals. This is a great moment to take the time to consider what is next in your unfolding and set clear intentions

(truth be told, any time is as good, so whenever you are reading this, don’t let the season discourage you ;)) 

A tool I find especially helpful and use often in my coaching sessions, yoga classes and workshops is the Future Self Visualisation. I have been using this technique on my journey regularly. It’s been a huge part of my transformation and I see great results for my clients who started setting small steps to make new daily choices towards a different future outcome.

The idea here is to help you tap into your bigger vision and check with your Higher, Future Self what wants to be created next in your life and receive messages on how to get there.

🧠 Mental rehearsal and mentally picturing events have been proven to impact real-life performance. Our mind and body simply don’t know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. That’s why visualising (and then writing) in the present tense is so powerful - it sends a message that these changes we desire are already taking place.

Read it first and then close your eyes and picture it with your mind's eye…

Bring awareness to breathing. Take a few deep, slow breaths, and allow yourself to relax. Imagine yourself going forward in time, into the future... going forward one week... one month… one year… ten years….

Imagine yourself already experiencing what you want to be experiencing.

Imagine your Higher Self.

Where are you, and what are you doing?

Stay curious. Don’t lead it from your mind. Allow your heart, your senses to open and receive a message for yourself.

What are your thoughts as this person who already has what you want? What are your feelings? What are your behaviours?

I would like you to look back on your journey. Look back on all of your work and effort, and consider how you reached your goal, step-by-step.

What does your Future Self tell you about how you got there?

What message does your Higher Self have for you now?

What were the little things you did, day by day, to achieve success?

How did you manage difficult thoughts and emotional obstacles?

Thank your Higher Self for their guidance and wisdom and when you are ready, come back to the present moment, take a deep breath in and slow, relaxing exhale.

Take a moment to reflect. Allow yourself to pause, review and reset. 

Here are some integration questions you can use as journal prompts: 

  • Journal about your Future Self in the present tense. How do the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels play a role in your Higher Self?

  • What are the current habits that are hindering your future progress?

  • Identify areas where you would like to create change (eg. mental, social, professional, physical, emotional, financial etc.)

  • Choose one area that you will start working on. Don’t overthink it, just go with your gut instinct.

  • Start small by changing one habit at a time that feels the most approachable so that you build self-confidence and start with bigger changes over time.


What step are you going to take this week to move toward your bigger vision?  Share with me to keep yourself accountable.

Message me and share your reflections, thoughts, visions, struggles and wins. I’m always happy to receive your messages and connect with you. 


PS: Wanna dive deeper?

I offer a 90 minute session of Guided Future Self Visualisation + fully tailored Holistic Coaching to clarify your vision and where you are headed. 

During this session, you’ll get clear on:

what is the vision that you have for yourself & your life

what does your mind, body, heart and spirit want to make sure all parts are on board towards that vision

what is the next stage in your journey

who do you need to become to manifest the vision

where do you need to grow to embody that vision

what is it that you can now let go of that no longer serves you or the bigger vision

what do you already have that can be of service to the vision

what are your next, intentional steps that would bring you closer to your vision

how can you keep yourself accountable throughout the year

Included: Reflection & Intention Worksheet  + post-call collaborative DOC with identified areas to work on, personalised recommendations, and additional resources and worksheets.

Ready to step into your full power and start the next year with clarity, direction and peace?

Message me or book your Clarity Call to learn more.

With love,

Marta x


Planning Holistically 


Emotional Self-Care