Marta Lutomska Holistic Life Coaching, Yoga and Mindfulness

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How to Find Your Direction

Hello friends!

today I’m writing about how to clarify your bigger vision and discover your direction and path by connecting to your Future Self. So that you get unstuck and start making better-aligned decisions, yay!

Make a cup of coffee, grab your pen and journal, get cozy, and let’s start. 


Have you ever felt overwhelmed, stuck, or uncertain about where you’re actually going? Do you find yourself struggling to make decisions, unsure of what you truly want or need?

I’ve been there. Feeling stuck and unsatisfied with my job and an overall professional path I, for whatever reason, found myself in (though I do believe there is a reason and a deeper meaning underneath, but that’s a different story for another time). And that directly impacted my relationships, well-being, and health.

The truth is, I didn’t know myself enough. I didn’t know what I wanted, who I am, or where I was headed, but I knew, “this is not it.” (which is quite a good starting point if you ask me). It took me quite some time to explore what I truly desire, what my path is, and what makes my soul and heart smile. But once I gained this clarity, everything felt simpler.

No - my life didn't change overnight—it’s been a journey since then, it takes time and patience but it is very rewarding. It is SOOO much easier to navigate and accept the daily grind when you feel you are taking even the tiniest steps toward the desired change and direction and stepping onto YOUR path.

But… I don’t know what I want, so what should I do? - I get this question a lot.

And my answer is: by consciously practicing a connection to yourself. One of the practices that helped me IMMENSELY, and I am so passionate about it that I just want to share it with EVERYONE is Future Self Connection.

Your Future Self already holds the answers you seek.

By connecting with this wiser version of yourself, you can gain clarity and direction, making more informed and aligned decisions that lead to a fulfilling life. I wrote a letter about it some time ago. If you missed it, you can find it here: Meeting Your Higher Self.

Today, I have decided to not only talk about it but to take you on an experiential journey. I’ve created something special for you—a guided visualization and journal with reflective questions. It is designed to help you connect deeply with your Future Self and clarify your bigger vision.

By taking time to explore and integrate these insights, you'll be better equipped to navigate life's uncertainties and make choices that align with your true values, desires, and dreams. It helped me and it helped many other women I’ve been guiding as a Holistic Coach. So why not try?


Here are some integration questions you use as journal prompts:

  • What areas of my life feel most fulfilling, joyful, and aligned with my values?

  • What areas of my life feel stuck, unfulfilled, or out of balance?

  • What specific changes or improvements am I seeking in my personal and professional life?

  • What fears or obstacles are holding me back from making these changes?

  • What daily habits or practices support my bigger vision and which ones detract from it?

  • How do I envision my ideal life and self in the next 6 months to a year?

  • What is the first tiniest step I can take today to move closer to what I really desire?

If you find this practice insightful and feel ready to dive deeper, I’d love to support you further. Working together one-on-one, we can explore your vision in more detail, overcome any obstacles, and create a clear action plan to bring your dreams to life. Let’s transform your overwhelm into purpose and your uncertainty into confidence.

Leaving today with one inspiring quote by Carl G. Jung:

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

Thank you for reading. I hope these questions and reflections inspire you to connect with your heart's desire and envision a future filled with purpose, passion, and joy.

With love and light,

Marta x