Marta Lutomska Holistic Life Coaching, Yoga and Mindfulness

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Emotional Self-Care

Hi lovely, 

when was the last time you did something for yourself?

This month I’m writing about emotional self-care & creating a well-being routine.

 Make a cup of coffee, grab your pen and journal, get cosy and let’s start. 


You have probably heard that a million times already: self-care is not a luxury, it is a necessity for maintaining overall well-being and being able to handle the challenges of life.

We can look at self-care through different lenses. As I like to offer in my coaching, let’s break it down and have a closer, holistic look remembering that all the pillars are interconnected and impact our overall health and life satisfaction. Today let’s focus on emotional self-care. 

When you read it - what comes up for you? 

What does emotional self-care mean to you? 

For me, I see it as caring for my emotional needs by identifying and acknowledging any feelings and finding (healthy) ways to process them = emotional self-regulation. It’s the starting point: taking care of my most inner self first to create anything on the outside and for others. 

Awareness around this topic and having your own tools and routine is soooo beneficial! It feels like a hug during challenging times. It can help reduce stress, calm the nervous system, and improve our physical health. It helps me stay centred, aligned, at peace and with trust. Just stay myself. 

Designing your emotional well-being routine will support you on all levels when moving towards your vision.

Take a moment to reflect. Allow yourself to pause, review and reset. 

Here are some questions you can use as journal prompts: 

  • How do you see the emotional level? 

  • What do you do well on that level?

  • What might need to shift?

  • What do you need to be experiencing emotionally and spiritually to reach your goals and visions?

  • What practice are you willing to integrate into your days to feel more supported?

  • What is one loving thing you can do for yourself each day on the emotional level?


Here are some ideas for emotional rituals. And you don’t need to spend more than 5 minutes on them. (But you can :)). All without spending a cent, but if you are new to that - it will actually feel like a luxury.

 Pay attention to the internal dialogue you are having with yourself. If you struggle with negative self-talk - that’s ok, don’t blame yourself for it. Noticing it is already a great start. You can use affirmations and reframe those thoughts into more positive ones, write it down. If you need some extra help with this - text me and let’s figure it out together, I love working with reframing negative thought patters (that we are so often even unconscious of!)  

 Aromatherapy - activate your senses. Light a candle, incense, or diffuse essential oils to help you soothe and relax.

 Just go for a walk. That’s it. 

 Be creative. Dance. Play music. Colour. Write. Sing. Scream. Release…

 Practice gratitude - write a list of 5 things you’re grateful for today.

 Meditate or practice mindful moments - activate all your senses and be fully present in the moment. Notice what arises. Allow your emotions to exist, notice them, sit with them, and breathe through them.

 And yin yoga, of course. No need to elaborate. I am all about Yin so don’t even start me here. → Just put on Youtube or message me, I teach in person in Berlin (groups and 1:1) and also online. 


What ritual are you willing to commit to support yourself on the emotional level? 

How are you planning to schedule self-care time in your daily routine? 

Share with me to keep yourself accountable.

If you want to dive deeper, I offer a Holistic Coaching Essence program where we work 1:1 to design a well-being routine together (on emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels) and create a lasting change. A routine that will allow you to feel fully supported as you work towards your goals.

Contact me to find out more.